Irina Djuraskovic



My name is Irina Djuraskovic and I was born in in Bar, Montenegro. Not long after, my family moved to Italy, and we have been moving ever since.

To learn more about my travels, please visit my travel page!

I am now a graduating senior majoring in Neuroscience with a minor in Chemistry and Computer science at UM.

For more detailed experiences and qualifications I obtained in the field so far, feel free to look at my research page

University Life

Why Neuroscience

Through traveling, I recognized how despite differing healthcare systems and socioeconomic climates around the world, the stigma and helplessness associated with neurological disorders remained. Given the limited preventions and treatments for many neurological disabilities, society often unjustly marginalizes affected people.

I believe I can best help redefine what many have deemed helpless by pursuing a PhD in Neuroscience which is what I will be doing these next few years at NU!

Areas of Interest

I plan to use and further build on computational foundations to help deepen our understanding of both biological and artificial neural networks and to develop brain machine interfaces and neural prosthetics.

Some of the fields I am particularly interested in:

  • Neuromotor Engineering
  • Neurorehabilitation
  • Computational Neuroscience
  • Clinical Neuroscience